

Friday, July 13, 2007

Ch ch ch changes

So I decided to skip the list of "things that annoy me". I only came up with two, and they were both transit related. At any rate, here they are:

Things that annoy me (`へ´)

1. People who are busy looking at the cellphones/reading/whatever when they get on/off the train. Let's move people! I gotz places to be...

2. When I get off at my stop, I have to go down from the platform to the main part of the station. There's a set of stairs, but there's also an escalator. The thing is, the escalator is only wide enough for one person. Most people walk down the escalator, but occasionally there will be people who just stand there. I freely admit that this is a ridiculous thing to be annoyed by, but...like I said, I gotz places to be.

Speaking of taking the train, when I first started working in Tokyo, I thought that if I went home around 6pm, the trains would be packed, but if I got on around 8pm, it wouldn't be too bad. It's actually the opposite-The 6 o'clock hour trains are semi-full of vibrant young office girls on their way home from work. Anytime after 8pm you end up getting on a train full of salarymen, their boring grey suits and bad ties adding to their generally weary demeanor brought on by working such long hours day in and day out. I try to be a in the former, but often times I find myself in the latter (>_<)

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