

Thursday, August 9, 2007

In need of a black tie

So...it's been a little while.

I put new strings on my guitar-first time in at least 2 years, I think. Which is...just sad. I really need to take better care of my guitar. I've had it since I was in high school, and it has always served me well (although the action is a little high)...and what do I do? Neglect it. I've been playing it a little, and suffice to say I am way out of practice. Plus I don't have any calluses, so it's kinda painful to play. I learned how to play Weezer's "Butterfly" the other day. It's ridiculously easy, as I suspected.

So I've been busy at work lately working on finished up a contract for a company in Spain, which means I have to do a lot of contract writing-which is difficult sometimes seeing as how I'm not a paralegal. It's interesting though. I've been modifying confidentiality clauses lately, and my favorite phrase as of late is "...which shall not be unreasonably withheld by Licensor".


This morning when I got to work I was informed that someone I work with had died suddenly, at the age of 49. I had weekly meetings with him to talk about music.

So I'll be attending my first Japanese funeral this weekend. Japan is mostly a mix of Shinto and Buddhism, where Shinto is used for auspiscious events such as weddings and births, wheras most funerals are Buddhist.

The dress shirts I had made arrived yesterday in the mail-I guess I'll be wearing one of them to the funeral parlor-